Sunday, March 14, 2010

hCG links

Thought I would post some of the links that I used to read up on the diet, find recipes, buy drops and get support.

First and foremost is the "bible". Dr. Simeon's manuscript, "Pounds and Inches". YOU HAVE TO READ THIS FIRST. You may want to read it a couple of times. I go back to it now and then for clarification. It explains a bit about his research on obesity. It also spells out the diet, things to look for, what to expect. In his day - the 1950's - there was only the injectable hCG out there. Now we can get it in sublingual (under the tongue) form. Again, I use the homeopathic hCG (hhCG) - a lot more stable and I don't have to do any mixing or worrying about potency. Some people don't do well on hhCG and need to go to the Rx hCG. There are sites on the Yahoo group, HCGDIET, that will help you find the Rx hCG. WARNING - it comes from overseas and may take a while to get here.

Also, in Dr. Simeon's day, makeup was oil-based. We really don't have to worry about that these days and most of our makeup will be just fine.

OK...onto the links:

  • Pounds and Inches:
  • is a good place to get started as well - lots of info
  • Yahoo user group: - I've learned so much here
  • hhCG drops: - This is where I ordered mine...came quickly
  • Recipes pages: - I have more and you can always google hCG phase 2 recipes to get more!
For those of you who want to start a round with me, my second round will start on May 15 (after I return from Vegas baby!). I will start my drops then and spend the 15th and 16th (Sat and Sun) gorging! Then I will start the 500 calories on Monday. This is similar to the schedule we started originally. I should be well into Phase 3 and at my goal weight by the time our annual July 4 party is here...I'll be able to eat more or less normally and enjoy the fun holiday foods!

Hubby may or may not join me this time. He's already down 36 pounds with a week to go...he may decide he's done. We'll see.

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