Monday, May 24, 2010

R2 - Week 1

It's been a little over a week....been kinda busy with planting and yardwork and building a deck. But good news on the diet front - I'm doing great!

Let's get some official numbers. After my loading days I weighed 167.2. Today, ten days later, my weight is 157.4! Down nearly 10 pounds. I'm not on the same pace as I was on my first round. I had lost a few more pounds, but the closer you get to your goal, the slower you will go.

I've tried some new recipes this round...some excellent - like szechwan chicken - some just OK - like spicy mustard chicken. I'll keep experimenting. We've been eating dinner later than usual this past week too...hunger has been popping in and out, but overall - not too bad. Again, I will not cheat - just not worth it.

Hubby thought my stomach looked smaller this week. I measured myself last night and didn't really see anything. will have shrink sooner or later, no?

Saturday, May 15, 2010

R2 - Day 1

I think I loaded way better this round than last...I know more know on what to do, so I guess it paid off. Yesterday was my first 500 calorie day and I didn't really have significant hunger until dinnertime. But, we ran a bunch of errands after work and dinner didn't happen until 8:00. I should have been hungry, no?

I dropped 2 pounds this morning. Was kinda hoping for 3, but I haven't eliminated all the food from my load days yet....perhaps a detox bath is in order for tonight? A detox bath contains one cup each of epsom salts and baking soda poured into your bathwater. The last time I took one I was pretty well "cleaned-out" the next day.

So, I'm on my way. Feels good to be back at it. Stay tuned....more to come!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Round 2!

I started my second round yesterday - May 12. I really do hate the loading days. I'm feeling so full, bloated, and nauseous. Hate it. Eating the high-fat foods is fun for like the first two bites...then I just feel like I'm force-feeding. with my last round, this does make me anticipate the 500 calories per day coming up even more. I am so very excited to start losing again. This will start on Friday and I'll post my results on Saturday.

Speaking of results, here are my starting numbers for this round:

I stabilized around 164 in Round 1 Phase 4. This morning, after load day #1, I weighed 167 - 3 pounds up....guess I did a good job, eh? Ah well, it will come off fast.

I've shared this diet with some friends. One is doing it with me right now - having tremendous results. Another started and stopped immediately. I think I have one more friend who is highly motivated and will start in the next month or so. I feel like I need to share this with everyone. I really believe that I will lose all I want and never be fat again. What a great feeling!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Phase 4 findings

Since I haven't blogged in a while, I thought I would catch you up. Yesterday was the last day of three weeks of Phase 4. I have taken the full six weeks off since I stopped taking the hhCG drops and could potentially start Round 2 today.

BUT.....we're leaving for Las Vegas next Friday, so I won't start up again until we return. On Wednesday, May 12, I will officially start Round 2. Really excited to start up again and start losing again. I'm even more excited that my friend started her hCG diet on Thursday! I can't wait to see her results.

I've maintained pretty body seems to want to stabilize at 3-4 pounds over my set point. Other women on the Yahoo group have said the same thing. OK...if that's how it's gonna be, then that's how it's gonna be.

We did another chicken day this week - I dropped 2 pounds on that one. Yesterday, I had to drive 2.5 hours to a remote site for a meeting.....ate a doughnut, mcdonald's cheesesburger, fries and a chocolate shake. oops.... Just got nasty-ass cravings while driving. I had read about another correction day of cheese and apples. Eat two ounces of cheese and two apples, three times a day. This person also said that after a particularly bad day of eating (I think it was similar to my day yesterday), that she thought she should finish the day eating something somewhat healthy, so she ate two ounces of cheese and two apples. The next morning, she was actually down a little.

So....after eating the junk, I thought I would do the same - end the day a little more healthy. I ate two ounces of cheese and just one apple. This morning I was rewarded with a .4 pound loss. LOSS!! junk all day then eat cheese and apples. Interesting diet idea.....

I'll be back after Vegas and post a little more regularly. I'm anxious to see what results I get with Round 2. I know we did a few things a little off-protocol....didn't really calculate our calories, ate melba toast with sesame seeds.....I'm going at this second round with a vengence. My goal is 24 pounds. I will reach it.