Thursday, July 15, 2010

R2-P3 - cont'd

Dropped 1 pound from my chicken day. But...I did have a couple glasses of white wine plus my husband fell asleep on the couch and I couldn't get him to wake up enough to go to bed. I tried three times - after the third time, I was wide awake. It was about 3:30 at this time. So I thought a cup of hot cocoa was in order to help me sleep. It did work, but I think it messed with my loss.

Ah well....the very next day, I regained that lost pound and have been hanging around 148 ever since. So, 148 is my set point. OK. I'm still out of the 150's and still in size 12. Not too bad after where I had been.

I will start R3 around Labor Day. I will do the loading days on Sunday and Monday. I really want to see the 130's again. 139 in particular because I will no longer be overweight at that point according to my BMI. Won't that be cool?!?!?

Monday, July 12, 2010


Wow...haven't blogged in a while. Life has been hectic. My hubby and I have a lake house where we host an annual Fourth of July party for family. This year we started building a deck and wanted the majority done by the 4th. We succeeded!!

But...I started P3 on June 30. We had the week of June 26-July 2 off to build the deck. My set point weight at the end of R2 was 144.4. Haven't seen that number in a while and I like it!!! But with building the deck, mowing our acre lot and not eating enough, I quickly gained 4 pounds. Oops. I started eating more - especially more fats - and did stabilize - but at 148. Stayed there for about a week.

Not really liking 148 especially after seeing 144.4. So today I did a chicken day. We'll see what I drop tomorrow.

Really kind of disappointed in myself. Once I started eating like I was supposed to in P3, I stabilized. Just wish I would have forced myself to eat more those first few days. Maybe I would be stable at 145 instead. *sigh*

Three pound drop from a chicken day? Cross your fingers.....