Saturday, February 13, 2010

A bit of history

Like many women, I have had a weight problem for as long as I can remember. I was a chubby child, chubby adolescent. I thinned out a bit in high school - weighed in at 120 at 5'2". I thought I was still fat, but pictures from that time show me as healthy-looking.

I actually grew one more inch, give or take, after high school and now at 5'3". My weight is also at 183 right now. I immediately gained 20 pounds in college and stayed at 140 for a while - I weighed that at my first wedding...then I blossomed up to 163 - my former all-time high - in my mid-30's.

Enter marriage problems. I lost 33 down to 130 and size 8. I looked hot, but my life sucked. Add "female" problems, hormones and a divorce....weight now at 155. I was happier, but not happy with my weight.

Met current husband, fell in love, got married. Stayed around 155.....was that at our wedding. Add my father's death, my father-in-law's death and life in general.....I ended up at 190 for my all-time high. 190! at 5'3"....oh my.

Over the years I've tried a number of diets: weight watchers, south beach, six week body makeover, food lovers fat loss, atkins, and a variety of my own. Just can't stay on them without cheating and giving into temptation and giving up.

Read Kevin Trudeau's book - the Weight Loss Cure. The Dr. Simeon's diet. Was VERY interested until I read you had to take daily injections from an alternative health professional. Ya...that was going to happen. So I put it in the back of my head and started on one of diets listed above again.

Then my husband heard a radio show that featured the Zola Diet. He called me and told me look it up on line. To my surprise, it was the Dr. Simeon's diet that Kevin Trudeau wrote about but WITHOUT shots!! Oral drops instead. OK...I'm officially psyched again. The Zola Diet was expensive though...about $700 a person, so I headed to eBay.

Found some homeopathic drops on eBay for $36 a bottle. Asked husband if he wanted to do this with me and he said YES. Ordered two bottles and started on February 6.

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