Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Correction day results!

I dropped 1.6 pounds from my steak day yesterday....yay! Now I'm just 1.8 pounds above my set point weight. Still within the 2 pound range, but just barely. I have dinner plans tonight and lunch plans tomorrow, so perhaps I will do a chicken day on Friday. I would like to be 1.8 pounds UNDER my set-point weight for a change...

My breakfast today was a home-made egg muffin (eggs, sausage, green peppers, onions, spinach, cheese, spices - all mixed together and baked in a muffin tin) and a few strawberries. I thought I could eat two of these, but I'm thinking I can only handle one. I packed my lunch/snacks a bit lighter yogurt is without nuts or fruit today, some leftover meatballs with miracle noodles for lunch and an apple for a snack. Let's see how that goes. Should be plenty to eat and keep me satisfied.

My gut is telling me that I was eating too much...we'll see!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

P3 - Week 2

Haven't posted in a while. I've been kinda holding steady this past week. The last few days, however, a few pounds have added up. I'm up 3.2 pounds from my "set point". Uh oh....time for a steak day!

A steak day is Dr. Simeon's correction day of sorts for Phase 3. Here's how it works: as soon as you have gained 2 or more pounds over your set point, you do a steak day. You eat no breakfast, no lunch, but drink plenty of fluids. Then for dinner you eat a large steak with either a raw tomato or an apple. The steak should be between 12 and 24 ounces. Grill it, pan fry it in butter, broil it - whatever. All you eat all day is the steak and tomato or apple.

So I did my steak day today. Thought I would be hungry all day long, but surprisingly, it wasn't that bad. I drank a liter of seltzer, 3 cups of coffee, cup of green tea and water throughout the day. Chewed gum off and on. It was OK. I stopped at The Pig and got some steaks for dinner - grilled them with garlic/rosemary/butter sauce and ate approximately a pound of steak. I chose a raw tomato. Delish. Feeling pretty satiated right now.

The scale tomorrow will tell me if this was successful or not. I'm thinking I may try a "chicken day" next if the scale doesn't move enough. For a chicken day you roast a whole chicken and eat it throughout the day. Start with the fattiest portions first - the wings and legs - then the thighs and onto the breasts and other parts if you're still hungry. Just graze on that throughout the day.

I have to say that P3 isn't quite as much fun as I thought it would be. I kinda miss knowing exactly what I can and can't eat - like it was in P2. Obviously, I'm eating too much. Or perhaps I'm really not eating enough - Dr. Simeon's says you can gain weight by not eating enough as well. blueprint for this phase.

I also miss the hCG in my body - I mean I slept great with it and woke up refreshed. I needed less sleep. I'm now back to needing more sleep than what I'm getting. Better get to bed earlier tonight! The homeopathic hCG has a "feel good" quality to it. You just feel more energized when you are taking it. Looking forward Round 2 when I can enjoy that feeling again and drop another 20 pounds!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

P3 - Starting out

Last night at 6:00pm was the start of our three weeks of Phase 3. High protein and fat, no sugar, no starch. Fruits and veggies are OK as long as they don't have starch. My fear of becoming uncontrollably hungry did not happen, and I was glad.

I spent most of Saturday cooking new things for us to eat. Since we can't have starch, bread is out. There are a lot of recipes available from the HCGDIET Yahoo group and I found one for "oopsie bread". Not sure why it's called that, but whatever. It is made from eggs and cream cheese. Mix the cream cheese and egg yolks together. Whip the egg whites until stiff peaks form. Fold the mixture together. Pour onto cookie sheet into circles. Bake. Turned out golden brown and a bit puffy. Very slight cheese flavor....really airy and flaky.

Next up: Pizza. Made kinda the same type of crust, but this one had mozzarella and parmesan cheese, oregano and basil baked into the crust. Topped it with some homemade pizza sauce, bits of venison we had left over from dinner Friday night, some canadian bacon we were planning on eating Sunday morning (basically anything I had on hand) and more mozzarella and parmesan cheese. Baked. Pretty nummy - but really really rich.

Eggs benedict this morning: Egg, canadian bacon, asparagus and hollandaise sauce over an oopsie roll. Again, nummy but really rich.

Had three vodka and seltzers last night. Got a little toasted. Had a pretty rough start to today. I'm thinking eating all this rich food is making my digestive track pretty unhappy. I'm running to the potty quite a bit and in a fair amount of pain. Hopefully, this is just a transition phase and I'll get accustomed to this way of eating soon. But, I dropped 1.6 pounds this morning and have reached my goal of losing 24 pounds this first round. I'm officially down 24.2 pounds and am into the 150's!! 159.8!

Shrinkage has officially started. Wore smaller pants and jean this week. Butt is shrinking faster than belly, so my pants are hanging a little in the back. Anxious to see how small I get in the next few weeks. Be nice to see size 12 again. Might need to buy new clothes - that would be a shame...;-)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Finished drops

We took our last drops yesterday. Today was the first day of eating 500 calories and no drops. I felt a bit of hunger this morning and then again this afternoon. Was it real hunger? Was it just thinking I should be hungry? I am worried that we will get really hungry before we can start eating Phase 3 foods on Saturday.

But one day down. Got all of Friday to go. Then up to 6:00pm on Saturday. We can do it.

Today I weighed in at 161.2. So close to being in the 150's again AND a 1.8 pound loss from the day before. WOWEE. I think I'll be back to losing at least 3 pounds this week. I set and re-set my goals for this round and my last goal was 24 pounds down. Right now I'm down 22.8. I have two days to lose 1.2 pounds. Hmmm....probably won't hit that, especially after having such a big loss this morning, but I should hit 23 pounds down no problem. Hubby has been going up and down all week. I think he's just ready to quit the limited menu and start eating again.

According to the "protocol", we should take the weight we weigh today and treat it as our set point for the next two phases. Officially called the LIW - last injection weight. Not sure why we don't call it last drop weight, but whatever. We should not gain or lose more 2 pounds from this weight - if we do, we need to correct immediately. I really want to get down a little more so I can get to my goal weight in my next round, so I think I'll wait for Saturday's weight to be my set point.

Again, if anyone wants to join me on my next round, just let me know.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

hCG links

Thought I would post some of the links that I used to read up on the diet, find recipes, buy drops and get support.

First and foremost is the "bible". Dr. Simeon's manuscript, "Pounds and Inches". YOU HAVE TO READ THIS FIRST. You may want to read it a couple of times. I go back to it now and then for clarification. It explains a bit about his research on obesity. It also spells out the diet, things to look for, what to expect. In his day - the 1950's - there was only the injectable hCG out there. Now we can get it in sublingual (under the tongue) form. Again, I use the homeopathic hCG (hhCG) - a lot more stable and I don't have to do any mixing or worrying about potency. Some people don't do well on hhCG and need to go to the Rx hCG. There are sites on the Yahoo group, HCGDIET, that will help you find the Rx hCG. WARNING - it comes from overseas and may take a while to get here.

Also, in Dr. Simeon's day, makeup was oil-based. We really don't have to worry about that these days and most of our makeup will be just fine.

OK...onto the links:

  • Pounds and Inches:
  • is a good place to get started as well - lots of info
  • Yahoo user group: - I've learned so much here
  • hhCG drops: - This is where I ordered mine...came quickly
  • Recipes pages: - I have more and you can always google hCG phase 2 recipes to get more!
For those of you who want to start a round with me, my second round will start on May 15 (after I return from Vegas baby!). I will start my drops then and spend the 15th and 16th (Sat and Sun) gorging! Then I will start the 500 calories on Monday. This is similar to the schedule we started originally. I should be well into Phase 3 and at my goal weight by the time our annual July 4 party is here...I'll be able to eat more or less normally and enjoy the fun holiday foods!

Hubby may or may not join me this time. He's already down 36 pounds with a week to go...he may decide he's done. We'll see.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Fifth Week

Bit of a depressing week for me. First - I gained .8 pounds on Tuesday. Couple of reasons for this I think. #1 - could be hormones...really not sure when/if I cycle anymore due to having a hysterectomy. #2 - I ate a can of tomatoes at one meal on Monday.

So that was bad enough, but then my wonderful husband lost 3.2 pounds on Thursday! 3.2 pounds in one day!!! Just not fair....he lost more in day than I lost this entire week. Only good thing is that he only lost another .8 pounds all week for a total of 4 pounds lost. This is about 1-1.5 pounds less than he was averaging. He is now down 36.6 and looking good!!

My gain took me three days to recover from. I ended the week at 1.4 down. I'm down 19.8 pounds in 5 weeks. I really can't complain, but I was looking forward to dropping 24 this round. I guess I'll have to be happy with a little over 20. That would still put me above average for women - according to my Yahoo group, women average .5 pounds a day. So 40 days would be 20 pounds.

Hunger has been good for the most part. I think it is more a mental thing now. I am getting tired of the restrictions. I need to eat some "real, normal" food again. Also getting tired of waking up 2 and 3 times a night to pee. Gotta get my liquids in earlier in the day.

We take our last drops on Wednesday. Then 3 more days of 500 calories. Then we start 3 weeks of high protein, high fat, no starches and no sugar. I cannot wait for cheese! According to my calculations, we'll be able to start eating cheese and other such foods at 6:00pm on Saturday night. Might just have a drink too!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Fourth week

This week went by pretty fast - which is good cuz the first three seemed like way more than just 21 days. Over half way done with my first round now. I did have fantasies of being able to lose all 44 pounds in one round, but now I realize that's unrealistic. My new goal for this round is 24 pounds. That way, I'll just need to lose 20 on my next round.

This week's updates:

I'm down 3.4 for the week for a total loss of 18.4. yay! Hubby down 5.6 for a total loss of 32.6. Double yay! Hubby will only need to one round I think. We'll see how happy he is with his loss after Phase 3 and 4.

I told several people at work about the hCG diet. May have two recruits. Others....not sure if they think this is safe. S'OK....I'm convinced of its safety and it's obviously working for me, so I'm not worried.

Hunger has been pretty good this week. A couple of mornings after my fruit, I have some pretty decent hunger pangs. I popped a piece of sugar-free gum and all was well until lunch.

Only two weeks to go. Pretty psyched about eating cheese again. Hubby and I keep bouncing ideas about our new menus between each other. First day is obviously cheese first thing in the morning, followed by eggs benedict without the english muffin. Lunch....I'm thinking a nice juicy cheeseburger. We're undecided about dinner....something pan fried in butter I'm sure.

I'm noticing a little shrinkage this week. Foremost is my bum....pants are really dropping there. Waist isn't shrinking yet - a little frustrating, but it has to start showing up there pretty soon. I've lost nearly 20 waist has to shrink too! Some people on the Yahoo hCG group state that some people don't shrink until they're in Phase 3. Then, they don't lose any more weight, but shrink noticeably. I was hoping I could start really seeing some shrinkage by now, but if it happens later I'll have to live with it. Better than it not happening at all.

Hubby has a gig again tonight. Seltzer for drinks. Don't really miss drinking...interesting. Apple for the ride home. Kinda wanna get pulled over for DUI. Tell them the last time I drank was SuperBowl Sunday. Imagine the disappointment on their faces. HA!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Mid-Week update

I passed a milestone earlier this week that I wanted to share. According to my BMI (Body mass index (BMI) -- a measure of body fat based on height and weight) I am no longer Obese. I am now classified as overweight. I can't tell you how good this feels.

I think I'm also starting to show signs of shrinking. I bought a pair of pants late last year that were just a bit too tight around the bum. I finally hemmed them this past weekend and wore them to work today. They are too big now. That felt good too.

I had bought a few new pair of pants last year cuz I just needed something to wear. I didn't fit into anything. I also didn't have any shorts to wear on my recent Cancun vacation, so I had to buy new ones. Now I have these new clothes that will not fit me in a few weeks. Hardly ever worn. Lucky for me I have a friend at work who's about the same size as me and she is buying them from me. I'm giving her deeeeeep discounts of course. Just nice to know someone will get some use out of them!

I am looking forward to shopping for new clothes in the future. Clothes shopping has always been a struggle cuz nothing looked good on me. I'm hoping and trusting that will change.

So far so good. I still haven't cheated. We tried buffalo burgers yesterday. They were really really good. Most of our meals have been really good. I've been trying hard to spice things up so we don't get bored. A couple of not-so-good meals, but the vast majority have been very tasty indeed.

Less than three weeks to go....I'm hoping to drop 25 pounds on this round which means I need to lose another 9 pounds in the remaining 18 days. I think I can do it.